Monday, August 9, 2010

Run Bike Run- and Spin!

I woke up early today to get things done! The sun did not come up until at least 15 minutes later than I I sat around a bit longer than I wanted to.
My plan was to run for 20 minutes, bike for 30 and then run for another 20 minutes.

20 minute run ( 2.1 miles)
30 minute bike ( 7.20 miles)
15:33 minute run ( 1.83 miles)
I was really going to do 20...honest! The lightening shower had other plans for me I guess!! I was about 8 or nine minutes in when the craziness began. It sure made me run faster so I guess that is a plus! I was pretty tired, but glad I got some miles in on the bike as well as on my shoes!

After that I had to get ready for Spin class. I taught an interval style class. It was super hot up in the spin room today too. I thought I might be too tired to really give it my all. And I was. Haha! I did work hard, but there were moments when I faked it. Luckily I played some of my favorite songs to make sure I was not slacking the whole time. Starry Eyed Remix - If I could play this song on repeat-- I really would. I am not sure why I love it so much- I am not even sure how I found it, but I over play it in Spin. The good thing is I can tell my class likes it too ( even if they didn't I would sneak it in there every once in a while. haha!) I also like this's a mash up of Hey Mickey and That's Not My Name. Kinda fun! Anyways...that was my morning! I taught Totally Toned at noon.....well I told my class what to do as I observed! They did great too! I need a nap.

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