Thursday, July 16, 2009

Body After Baby!!

I slacked on my posting yesterday.
I don't remember what I ate but I will give it a shot!

pre-workout- mini bagel with natural PB, Kefir
workout- Spin class instruction
Breakfast- pineapple, blueberries and strawberries with cottage cheese and vanilla yogurt.
snack- ?
workout- Totally Toned instruction
Lunch- venison, brown rice and green beans
snack- apple, cheese stick

pre workout- Cliff Bar
workout- 18.5 mile bike ride
Dinner- X-lean turkey burger, bun and broccoli

Conclusion..I eat a lot! I might start tracking calories again!


breakfast- ww waffle with cottage cheese and blueberries + drizzle of honey

lunch- x-lean turkey burger, bun, romaine lettuce and tomato

snack- Fiber 1 bar, almond milk, apple

pre-workout- spicy black bean burger, corn tortilla and salsa

workout- 1 mile walk on treadmill with incline and 45 minute kickboxing class
dinner- chicken, rice pilaf and spinach and romaine salad with low-fat dressing.

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