Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday..just another day in my world!

I know I am supposed to love Friday's just as the average person does. But I don't. I like it well enough, but my days are really all the same. This is not a complaint-at all. I am, for the most part-a stay at home mom. I am fortunate enough to be able to stay home with the kids, but still work a little bit on the side. I am not sure what is considered Part Time these days, but I work roughly 4.5 hours a week (soon to be 6 hours-begins Monday) outside of the home. Add in my personal training business and nutritional sells brings me to about 10 hours a week-give or take. We won't add in the driving time to and from all my gigs because that would mean I would have to think! So anyway-- Friday is just another day to me. I think that is what I am trying to get at here! I get up early early ( between 4-7 AM) everyday of the week, regardless of the day. There is rarely any sleeping in for me. Bewtween the kids and my training/teaching there is no rest to be had! I can only sleep in until around 8 AM anyway when I try. At any rate-Happy Friday!
Spin today was a repeat class of the one I taught Wednesday. It was a new group this morning, so once again--it was new to them! I think they enjoyed it as well as my new play list. It was a smaller class--12, but motivating nonetheless. I am getting quite a few "regulars" at this early (5:30 AM) class now. That's always a good sign in my book!
My HR avg. was 150 and it topped out at 179 at one point. My Garmin says I burned 555 calories too. I wonder how many donuts that equals..or slices of BBQ chicken pizza ( which may have been my dinner last night...hopefully it put a dent in the 3 slices I ate.... haha! )
I was a good girl and after class I stretched for almost 20 whole minutes! It was much needed and felt soo painful good!!
There is a 90 minute yoga classed offered at my gym on Sunday's next month. It would be perfect timing after my long run on Sunday. I am thinking about it.

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