Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tuesday --Speedy Sprints on the Track.

I was not able to make it to the gym this morning (again) for weights! My son was up quite a bit last night and was not up at his usual 7:30 AM time--that and Daylight Savings Time I am sure. I thought about doing a quick circuit while he napped ( oh right..he DID NOT nap today--lil' stinker). I was way tired anyway from hanging out with him all night. I was not sure how my 1000 meter repeats would go either. I was/am very tired. It was a beautiful day here in West Michigan. It was in the 60's at 6 PM today. Ahhhh!!! I love it.
I went anyway to see how I would do. After the 2 mile warm up I looked up my expected pacer for the 1000 meters ( 2.5 times around a standard track). It said 4:26. I decided to have that in the back of my mind and try and run a 4:36 at least. The first one seemed fairly doable...well until we had one more time left around the track. I was pooped. I should have been-- I ran that one in under 4 minutes! Oooops! I learned my lesson. We took a 3 minute rest in between intervals. Here is how the rest of the 1000's went.
I should add that my pacer was absent tonight! She actually is running a half marathon this weekend and decided to run an easy 6 miles tonight. Tuesday night speed work should be practice, but it seems it usually turns into a competition.. I can't help myself. I try to hold back, but if somebody is deliberately trying to race me--ugh. It's healthy, but I would sure be mad if I hurt myself!! The last (3) 1000's were fun and somehow easier then the first 3. I am not sure why, but I won't ask any questions. I used my inhaler tonight 30 minutes before practice. I am not sure if I needed it or if it did anything to help me, but it might have given me a bit of confidence. I did not freak out or hyperventilate at all. I had a few moments where I thought I could have, but I just thought happy things and I guess it worked! Whew. I think it's safe to sign up for the 5k now. I think I mentioned a time or 2 that procrastination is my middle name.....

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