Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday-big miles on the bike and big miles for the kid!

Big ride! ( for me!)

Big miles ( for Amara!)

50+ big ones today on the road bike. Clear skies, a bit of sun and lots of fun. Nice getaway and stress reliever too! The first 23 ish miles were mostly flat and we held a pretty good/steady pace. The last 25 ish had some nice rolling hills, a few giant hills and a scary dog that I thought was going to bite my leg. I don't think he (it had to be a boy dog!) had the invisible fence either. That made me ride faster; that's for sure! We started to fizzle around mile 32, but somewhere around 41 we started to pick it up again. The trails were busy today with people--it got harder to keep a good pace from slowing down to move out of the way, but I am still pleased with our pace overall. I am already sore...spin class and totally toned should be eventful tomorrow.

Amara's miles! She was a trooper. Click on the link above to see The Route! Pretty's her running up and down the sidewalk in front of our house! We did make it around the block once and then she continued in front of the house until she accomplished 1.5 miles! She was awesome. A few times I saw a certain look on her face-- she wanted to stop. She would not look at me either (I was on the driveway watching her). I asked her about it; if she was hurt. She said she wanted to stop running, because it kind of hurt, but she kept telling herself to GO, GO, GO! She said she would say it over and over and then it did not hurt as bad. I think I created a monster here! She (we) has 8.5 more miles to get in before Saturday! She is determined enough, I think she will do it!

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